Nada has been a RMT since 2007 and a member of Osteopathy BC after completing a 5+ year program to become an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. This fall Nada continued with post graduate studies to better address concussions and deep tensions in the cranium. Identifying perpetuating blocks between a patient and the expression of their best selves is achieved with osteopathic techniques very similar to what you’d experience in her massage treatments. These sessions are done clothed in comfortable loose attire to access different structures. Osteopathy views the person holistically and can be a refreshing approach to chronic issues that have not had resolve with other modalities.
Her treatments include a thorough assessment of the structural body (spinal column, pelvis, hips, thorax etc) as well as organs and contents that may be related to the complaints or areas of previous trauma/injury. Nada is particularly interested in women’s health during pregnancy and postpartum as well as in treating children. She feels it is important to appreciate challenges and changes in the emotional and spiritual body in addition to the physical body in these life changes and treats holistically with the intention of addressing the whole person.
Nada graduated in 2007 from a 3000 hour massage therapy program in New Westminster. During her years of practice she has completed her Bachelors in Health Science as well as many Upledger/Barral Institute courses in Craniosacral therapy and Visceral Manipulation. The exposure to these modalities inspired Nada to return in 2013 to the Canadian School of Osteopathy Vancouver campus for a five year program studying Osteopathy. She has also been teaching massage therapy at CDI and VCC since 2013.